It’s October!

Hi Everyone,

It’s finally October! During this amazing time of the year (can you say Halloween?), there’s going to be a lot of hubbub on EveInTheKitchen, so stay tuned for plenty of Fall fun and festivities.

I’m going to kick things off by telling you about an amazing book called The Liddabit Sweets Candy Cookbook by Liz Gutman and Jen King! I absolutely love it!! It has so much cool stuff you probably never imagined you could make at home, including gummi bears and butterscotch drops. It even has my personal favorite: chocolate-caramel turtles.

The chapters have great titles like “Chocolate Loves You and Wants You to Be Happy” and “Gummi and Gooey and Chewy, Oh My!” The authors, who own a Brooklyn-based candy company, give away many trade secrets, including how to melt chocolate perfectly for coating and how to pipe ganache like a pro. And the photos are mouth-watering!!

So if you’re giving a Halloween party, why rely on mass-produced candy when you can serve your guests some treats they’ll always remember?!

By the way,  you can visit the authors’ Web site at

When you’re not busy whipping up homemade mint patties or peanut brittle, remember to check in with EveInTheKitchen. And if you feel like leaving a comment, tell me what YOUR personal favorite candy is!

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